Common questions about Stack Ranking on OpinionX

Once you reach the end of this post, I guarantee that you won't have a single worry left about stack ranking and how OpinionX works.

Here are the most common questions, concerns and doubts that people have before they've tried running their first stack ranking survey on OpinionX (and why you shouldn’t be worried!).

👥 How many participants do I need?

As a general rule of thumb, take however many things you want to stack rank and multiply it by four to get the number of participants you should aim to recruit. That means if you have 10 opinions, you should aim for at least 40 participants for a robust sample size.

📝 Are my stack ranking opinions written right?

Almost every time people ask us this question, their stack ranking opinions are perfectly written. Hit the suggestions button when setting up your stack ranking question for best practice examples. We recommend first doing a trial run of your survey with your team to get feedback on the sample opinions that you wrote.

📚 If I add too many opinions, will the survey become really long for participants?

No! OpinionX uses an algorithm to pick a sample out of all the opinions for each participant to vote on. Whether your survey has 10 opinions to stack rank or 100, it will still take the same length of time for each participant.

🧪 How do I avoid biasing my survey?

As with any survey, make sure that your question is neutrally written and does not have a clear one-sided point of view. Otherwise, here are two things you can do to avoid biasing your stack ranking results:

(1) Include an open-response question, which will allow participants to submit new opinions to fill in the gaps that you missed when setting up your list of stack ranking opinions. Then, you can add these opinions to the voting list as you go, filling in those blind spots.

(2) Make sure that all of your stack ranking opinions are written with a similar tone and perspective (for example, make them all problem statements rather than mixing problems together with ideas).

🆕 Where do participants add new opinions and how do I include them in the stack rank?

On your survey setup page, click the big plus button to add a new block and then hit the dropdown to change it to an "Open-Response" question. Once any participants submits an opinion at this step of your survey, you'll see it over on the results tab and can use the buttons beside the opinion to add it to the stack rank list right away or to edit it before including it in your voting list.

🤔 Didn't find the answer to your question here?

Check out our Knowledge Base, where we've answered over 40 common questions to help you get maximum value from OpinionX. If you have a specific question, click the little chat icon to message us or grab a calendar slot to chat with someone from the team on Zoom.

Otherwise, the best way to learn how to use OpinionX is to jump right in and try it for yourself. Try creating a stack ranking survey to test out with your team — it only takes 2 minutes!


4 sample opinion strategies for your stack ranking surveys


A Beginner’s Guide to OpinionX Surveys